The Power of Support on Your Health Journey

Are you looking to level up your health goals? Well, stick around. We were going to talk about the power of accountability on your health journey, but I’ve had a revelation. Accountability isn’t the magic bullet. What you really need is support. Let me explain.

Understanding Accountability

First, let’s dive into what accountability means. I’ve been told that accountability is the bridge between commitment and results. According to Miriam Webster’s dictionary, “accountability is the quality or state of being accountable”, meaning you are responsible for your actions. It’s that part, you’re accountable to yourself that had me pondering the whole accountability groups make or break a journey. I am wondering, how does external accountability work when it comes to your health?

Support Beats Accountability

You’ve heard that accountability can make or break your health journey. I’ve come to the conclusion that support beats accountability. It is not accountability to an outside influence that makes the difference, because it is hard to be accountable to others. As a nutritional therapy practitioner, I can guide, teach, encourage, and support you, but I can’t make you do anything. Enter support.  It’s really what makes or breaks your health journey, it’s having the right support system.

The Importance of a Support System

Having a group of people who understand your struggles, whether they’re a few steps ahead, alongside you, or a few steps behind, doesn’t matter. It’s the support they give that is invaluable. On a weight loss or health journey, having the knowledge that you’re not alone is a game-changer. It’s like having your own personal cheerleading squad. We all need a tribe, a group of people who’ve been through similar experiences and can empathize with our challenges.

Finding Your Support System

How do you find this support system if your family or immediate circle isn’t on the same page? Finding a nutritionist or health coach who has a community you can join is a place to start. These communities generally have people like you that are on a journey and want support.  They genuinely want to be there.  They want to make changes in their health and have people to talk to about it.

A Personal Approach

I’m in the process of building my own support group outside of platforms like Facebook. I’m building a community designed for people who want to get healthier, feel better, and maybe lose some weight.  It’s been a dream of mine for a while now to have tools, Q&A, coaching, and challenges all in one place.  Moderated to squash negativity even if it’s you being negative to you and push everyone to work on reaching their health and wellness goals.

Embrace the Power of Support

Whether you join my community or not, I cannot stress enough the importance of finding a group that supports your health journey. A place where you can do what works best for you, not what others say is right. There’s a spectrum of healthy eating, and make sure your journey is tailored to you.

To Wrap it Up

Getting support is the biggest strategy for success in many aspects of life.  It’s definitely important on the lonely journey to health. When you find support, cherish, and nurture it, it will bring you one step closer to achieving your health goals. You are not alone on this journey to better health and wellness. Embrace the power of support; it’s your secret weapon.

wellness community

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