A Journey to a Healthy Weight

Let’s finish up part 2 on achieving a healthy weight and taking care of our bodies. In part one, which you can access HERE, we discussed the importance of being healthy enough to actively participate in life without obsessing over our appearance. Today, we will go into the concept of overall health and what we can do to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Remember, it’s not just about doing things; it’s about ensuring our bodies are well taken care of so that we can continue to enjoy life to the fullest.

The Significance of Whole, Real Foods:

It is crucial to start incorporating mostly whole, real foods into our diet. While I won’t prescribe a specific eating plan or diet, it’s worth noting that diets like paleo, ketogenic, vegetarianism, and the Mediterranean diet prioritize the consumption of whole, real foods. The key lies in understanding that these diets work because they emphasize the importance of nourishing our bodies with the right building blocks. By focusing on these foods, we provide our bodies with the nutrients needed to create healthy cells and promote overall health

What Are Whole Foods?

Whole foods are foods that are as close to their natural form as possible. Think of foods that grow in the ground or are consumed by animals that eat those foods. We’re talking about fresh vegetables and fruits, animal proteins, and healthy fats.  It’s important to note that highly processed foods often hinder our body’s natural processes and keep us feeling hungry. By removing these foods from our diet, we can reestablish a healthy relationship with food, and start hearing our body communicate its needs and hunger signals.  You’ll notice improved energy, better sleep, and overall better functioning of our bodies.

The Role of Protein:

Protein plays a crucial role in our diet, particularly as we age. Prioritizing protein is essential for maintaining lean muscle mass, which helps us stay mobile and functional as we age. While animal sources of protein are ideal, it’s important to choose the best quality options within our budget.  Remember to do the best you can.

Striving for Consistency, Not Perfection:

Transitioning to a diet primarily focused on whole, real foods may seem daunting. However, it’s not about achieving perfection, but rather about being consistently good with our food choices. Once you make the transition, a 90/10 rule can be beneficial, where 90% of our food intake consists of whole, real foods, and the remaining 10% allows for occasional indulgences. It’s essential to find a balance that works for us and gradually shift our cravings toward healthier options.

Beyond Nutrition: Managing Stress, Sleep, and Hydration:

Nutrition is the primary step in achieving a healthy weight, addressing other aspects is important as well. Managing stress, prioritizing sleep, staying hydrated, and getting in some movement are also factors in achieving a healthy weight.  Things like meditation, yoga, walking, and prayer will help with our stress and overall well-being.  Let’s not ignore the fact that health means we are a complete healthy person.  Mind-Body-Soul. They will all impact our weight! 

Final thoughts:

Taking care of our bodies and achieving a healthy weight is a lifelong journey. By incorporating whole, real foods into our diet, prioritizing protein intake, and striving for consistency in our food choices, we can nourish our bodies and promote overall well-being. The main thing I want you to remember –  it’s not about achieving perfection, It’s about being consistent but rather consistently making choices that benefit our health. Let’s commit to taking care of the only body we have and embracing a healthier lifestyle.

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