Navigating Body Positivity and Health

Unless you live under a rock you’ve heard about the body positivity movement, it’s time we address the good and take it a step further. Let’s dive into the complex relationship between the body positivity movement and our health.

Defining the Body Positivity Movement

Before we dive in, let’s make sure we’re on the same page by defining the body positivity movement. The body positivity movement is a social and cultural movement that promotes the acceptance and celebration of all body types, regardless of size, shape, appearance, age, and more. It is the idea that all bodies are valuable and should be loved and accepted without judgment or discrimination. It encourages people to develop a positive body image and self-esteem. Sounds great, right?

Embracing Your True Self

We should be empowered to love our bodies just the way they are. We all are unique and have imperfections that make us who we are. These differences should be celebrated.  We need to stop conforming to unrealistic societal norms. I want each and every one of you to start working on loving yourself as you are today.

The core principles of the body positivity movement include size inclusivity, rejection of body shaming, embracing diversity, self-acceptance, advocating for mental health, and challenging discrimination.

The Disconnect Between Health and Body Positivity

Now, here’s where we need to pivot from the movement. The body positivity movement, while advocating for self-acceptance, often does so in a way that says health is not important. There’s a fine line between accepting your body and neglecting your health, and that’s where I believe the movement needs a little adjustment.

Let me be clear: I’m not saying you need to lose weight or be a certain body size. What I’m saying is you need to prioritize your health. Your health isn’t the number on your scale; it’s about what’s happening inside your body. 

Love Yourself and Prioritize Your Health

Loving your body should go hand in hand with prioritizing your health. They’re not mutually exclusive. You can’t love your body and then treat it like a garbage can. Your body is a temple, and you should be treating it as such. Love yourself enough to take care of you.

Health isn’t about being skinny. We need to shift our focus to what’s going on inside our bodies. Remember, skinny doesn’t equal healthy, and health isn’t about a particular size. It’s about being empowered to get as healthy as you can.

Three Simple Tips to Start Your Health Journey

Regardless of your size, start with these three simple steps to start prioritizing your health:

  • Move Your Body: Find an activity you enjoy, whether it’s walking, dancing, or anything that gets you moving. Exercise is not about losing weight; it’s about being healthy. Just move.
  • Ditch Ultra Processed Foods: Slowly start removing ultra-processed foods. Replace it with unprocessed foods like fruits, vegetables, and protein.
  • Drink Water: Make water your best friend. If plain water isn’t your thing, add a splash of lemon or lime for flavor.

It’s time to bridge the gap between loving your body and getting healthy. You are worthy of love, and you are worthy of good health. Remember, it’s not about the number on the scale; it’s about your biomarkers and the vibrant, healthy life you deserve to live. You’re not alone, and together, we can make positive changes for ourselves. 

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