The Importance of knowing the Whys on your Health Journey

Do you know why you are doing what you are doing on your health and wellness journey? If you are like many people, you may have started this journey with a vague goal of losing weight or getting healthy, but without a clear vision of what that means or how to get there. Or you may have followed some tips, hacks, supplements, or diets from influencers or experts without really understanding how they work or if they are right for you. In this blog post, I will share with you why it is crucial to know your whys, both big and small, and how they can help you achieve your desired results. 

What is your big why and why it matters 

Your big why is your ultimate goal or purpose for taking this health and wellness journey. It is not just a number on the scale or a dress size. It is something bigger and deeper that motivates you to keep going even when you face challenges or setbacks. It is something that reflects your values, your dreams, and your vision for your life. 

Some examples of big whys are: 

  • To be able to hike mountains and enjoy nature 
  • To be able to walk malls endlessly and shop without pain 
  • To be able to play with your grandkids and be active with them 
  • To be able to live an independent life as you age and avoid chronic diseases 
  • To be able to participate in life and do the things you love 

These are big whys because they never really end. They are not tied to a specific event or deadline. They are ongoing and lifelong. They are also personal and meaningful to you. They are not imposed by someone else or by society’s standards. 

Knowing your big why can help you stay motivated and focused on your journey. It can also help you make decisions that align with your goal and avoid distractions or temptations that may derail you. It can also help you celebrate your progress and appreciate your achievements, no matter how big or small. 

To find your big why, I suggest you take some time to reflect and write down what is important to you and what you want to accomplish with your health and wellness journey. Be honest and specific. Don’t worry about what others may think or say. This is your journey and your why. Revisit your big why regularly and adjust it as you go if needed. 

Why you should understand the small whys behind your choices 

Your small whys are the reasons behind the specific actions, hacks, supplements, or foods you choose or avoid on your health and wellness journey. They are the explanations of how and why something works or doesn’t work for you and your bio individuality. 

Some examples of small whys are: 

  • Why you eat a low-carb diet or a plant-based diet 
  • Why you do intermittent fasting or eat six small meals a day 
  • Why you take a probiotic or a multivitamin 
  • Why you do cold plunges or infrared sauna 
  • Why you avoid gluten or dairy 

These are small whys because they are specific and measurable. They are based on scientific evidence, personal experience, or both. They are not just trends or fads that you follow blindly. They are not dictated by someone else or by a one-size-fits-all approach. 

Understanding your small whys can help you make informed and empowered choices on your health and wellness journey. It can also help you avoid wasting time and money on things that don’t work for you or that may even harm you. It can also help you experiment and customize your journey to suit your needs and preferences. 

To understand your small whys, I suggest you do your own research and learn from multiple sources, not just your echo chamber or their echo chamber. Don’t just take the word of some doctor, influencer, medical professional, or even me. Look for the evidence, the logic, and the results behind the recommendations. Also, listen to your own body and how it responds to different things. You are the best judge of what works or doesn’t work for you. You are the one who lives in your body and knows how you feel. 

How to embrace your uniqueness and empower yourself on your health and wellness journey 

Knowing your whys, both big and small, can make a huge difference on your health and wellness journey. It can help you stay motivated, focused, informed, and empowered. It can also help you embrace your uniqueness and your bio individuality. You are not like anyone else. You have your own goals, needs, preferences, and challenges. You deserve a journey that is tailored to you and that helps you achieve your desired results. 

So, why are you on this health and wellness journey? What is your big why and your small whys? I would love to hear from you and support you on your journey. Please leave a comment below or contact me through my website. I am here to help you find your whys and make your journey a success. Remember, you are worth it. You can do this. I believe in you. 

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