Empowered Bites

S.T.O.M.P. out diets to reach your goals!

Reprogram your relationship with food! Break free from diets and discover true food freedom with the S.T.O.M.P. technique to empowered bites!

boot stomping a step

S.T.O.M.P. out dieting for good!

I see you there, you are over diets, over the restrictions, over the anxiety, and over the confusion!  You are ready to rise up, break the rules, and finally take control to be the healthy person that is inside.
Say a big see ya later to diet culture and find your healthy life with empowered bites and the S.T.O.M.P. technique!

The reason you’re failing another diet has nothing to do with your “willpower”

In a world filled with quick fixes, fad diets, and confusing nutrition advice, it’s time to shift the perspective and heal your relationship with food. This isn’t a free pass to dive headfirst into a pint of Häagen-Dazs; this is about giving you the power and TOOLS to choose and the ability to say no. Are you ready to take the first steps toward becoming the healthiest version of yourself?


Learn how to nourish your body to thrive and connect with what your body is telling you.


work woot with flowers


Learn simple yet effective techniques and tools to know how to make an empowered food choice versus reacting to an emotion or situation.



Empowered Eating reveals the origins of your dietary habits and limiting beliefs, as we work to undo years of diet mentality


Delivered by Email

You will receive emails every other day with the lessons.  At the end, you will receive an eBook with all the lessons wrapped up with a bow plus bonus resources to guide you on a solid path.


The Secret Sauce

lies in working holistically on the whole person and providing the tools you need.  You’re not just aiming for better health—you’re ensuring it. 

Imagine feeling unstoppable, energized, and truly in sync with your body. 

Ready to break the cycle of yo-yo dieting and embrace empowerment with each bite? Let’s S.T.O.M.P. together!

stomp your way to empowered eating
You belong here
jolene sitting cross legged

I would love for you to take this journey with me.  Together we will S.T.O.M.P. out diets and S.T.O.M.P. into health! 

As a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and life long yo-yo dieter, I’ve walked miles in your shoes, struggling to find and maintain the path to health, so I understand your challenges first-hand. Let’s lay the groundwork for lasting health changes.

Are you ready to S.T.O.M.P. towards a healthier you? Let’s do this together!